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Tag: Eco design

Jun 21
What is the “Zero Waste” Principle and How to Apply it in Everyday Life

Environmental pollution is the most urgent ecological problem. In the process of human activity garbage is formed, most of which cannot be reused. Thus, the Zero Waste concept has become known as a project that can reduce the volume of garbage, thereby significantly improving the environmental situation. 1) Zero Waste Concept 2) History of the […]

  • Eco Design
Jun 21
Garbage or art? What is Trash Art?

One of the most serious and pressing problems in the world is global environmental pollution, so the conscious representatives of art have not stepped aside. Trash Art is a contemporary art form in which industrial waste, parts of broken mechanisms and other household wastes are used to create art objects. Today it has acquired the […]

  • Eco Design
Jun 15
A magician from China and her paintings full of love for nature

Chinese illustrator Jin XingYe has published a number of works that have become very popular on the web. In her drawings, the author tries to show the ideal harmony of the relationship between man and nature. The tenderness and soulfulness of the works reflect the artist’s love for nature and also show humanity its beauty. […]